Monday, October 22, 2007

josiah's unfinished pages

soooo...the sheridan turns 40 page looks like it's from a business mag. Not sure what to do with it, if I had some pictures or something maybe that would help? I'm done with it though, I think darryl might jazz it up a little if he has time?

the first frontside isn't done either, just need cd releases and two movies at the bottom...oh yeah and some CONTENT.....sigh....other than that, it is done I think.

let me know any problems I missed.


Unknown said...

my only thing is like we talked at work.. about leaving no line space inbetween pragraphs... thas all

josiah gordon said...

crap...forgot....thanks mike
good call.

take not darryl of the space between paragraphs...looks a little wierd...SUPER technical...
